...was crazier than the first.
We spend the weekend in West Palm Beach with my sister and mother in law. It was an interesting time and even though I love them it was really nice to be home. On Sunday I ran a very nice 5 miler and felt super fabulous. Monday I did NOTHING-UGH!! I really don't like to take days off- it's just the way I am wired. Tuesday, Dave and I swam and I only could get in 1000 M because there was thunder in the area and the Y closes the pool when that happens (all the swimmers were mighty peeved!)
Wednesday I felt like I had been a massive slacker- so I took Lexi to the kidzone and I ran 7 miles
I really dislike running 1 mile on the treadmill but i knew that I could do it and I just kept going. I won't lie- it was very very boring but my mind won the battle (score!).
Thursday I ran 3 in the am, did Kenpo X (so sore!), and then ran 3 more miles that night. Yuppers not the smartest thing I have ever done but I needed to feel like I was pushing myself.
This morning I dragged myself back to the pool and luck was on my side. There was no rain and I was able to get in 1750M which is the farthest I have gone yet. I am loving this swimming thing. I find it extremely relaxing. I just concentrate on my stokes and breathing and I put zero pressure on myself to go faster, I just go my wonderful manatee pace and I LOVE IT!!!
I think that I am getting stronger every day and I can't wait to see what the next few weeks hold.
Stay tuned because I will be doing a post on my FAVORITE green smoothie recipe and my love/hate relationship with Nuun.
One healthy choice made today...how about you??