Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Things I never wanted to do- but I did

So, we were supposed to do our long run on Sunday morning but we decided to go to my sister in law's new apartment in West Palm Beach for her housewarming party. All I can say is that my Ryan DID NOT GO TO BED UNTIL 1 AM!!!! and we were supposed to get up at 5:30 to run. I was really looking forward to running in West Palm (seeing that I spend 4 years of my life there and I would move back tomorrow) but at midnight I just kept thinking that there was no way I would be getting up to run. My kids didn't end up getting up until 9 and to us that was like noon (ha!) So, we had to adjust and honestly, I'm not the best adjuster. I like all my ducks in a row and this threw me off A LOT! We decided to push the long run to Tuesday night (since I like running at night) and then Dave called and said we should run while Lexi was in school (brilliant) except that means that we will be running at 9:30 a.m. in Florida. Yes, I was being Negative Nancy but then I didn't even know what the route was yet, so I agreed. We decided to meet after I dropped Lexi off and Dave would be on his way home from shift.

I got there and all I could think of was this...

Yes, that is a bridge and on MILE 1!!! It usually takes me at least 2-3 miles to get into my groove and he wants me to run over this bridge on Mile 1. Well, I gritted my teeth (and I may have been having some not so nice thoughts) but we made it over the bridge and that is when I realized that I was going to have to do it again at mile 11- and I began to dread the return trip.

We kept running and came to St. Armands Circle which I LOVE to shop at, so I window shopped while we ran and we got to Lido Beach. Thing number 2 I never really wanted to do...run on the beach.

Today the weather was optimum. It was about 85 and overcast as we started our beach run. I give lifeguards many props because running on sand is way different than running on asphalt. I finally found a bathroom (had to go when we started) and we continued running on the beach. I tried to look for the hardest packed sand so as to not injure myself since I knew that when we go to the end I would have to turn around and run back (over that dang bridge!!!)

I really enjoyed the running on the beach. It was very peaceful and every time the negative thoughts would creep in, I would look out at the ocean and just enjoy the moment. Dave really helped me out by making jokes and helping me to find the hardest sand possible. He was going to go toward running on the street back and I told him that we could run back on the beach. Who knew I would actually like it? We headed on back and I was feeling really good, until we got to...THE BRIDGE. At this point, we had ran about 10 miles and I TOTALLY psyched myself out. I tried to look at one of the buildings in the distance so I wasn't looking up at how far I had to go, but as I almost reached the top the negative thoughts came back, "You are too slow, You can't do this!" and I began to listen- Dave would NOT let me give up (yup, I have the best husband ever!) and although I did have a mental meltdown with just feet until the top, we did make it and running down of course was a breeze.

11 miles done in 1:45 with 2 times over that dang bridge and 6 miles in the sand plus all the road leading up and back. I am happy that we did it, still have no desire to run over bridges but the beach run was pretty nice. Maybe if we just park there and run the beach it will help me get stronger for the Tough Mudder.

Thankful for my hubs for not giving up on me and for not allowing me to give up either. By far, the hardest run I have done to date- but I did it :)

One healthy choice made today...how about you???

Friday, August 26, 2011


Today I swam! I had not attempted this for a little over 8 years and I found out that I did much better than I thought I would. I met my friend Lanell at the YMCA and I honestly hoped that I would be able to go up and back once. I did it 20 times and I felt really good. I could have done more but I didn't want to push my luck and I also didn't really want to leave Lexi in the kid zone for too long (she tends to get into trouble if I leave her too long!) Almost everyone keeps asking me are you training for a Triathlon and my answer is the same every time...


I love running but my legs have been protesting that I am using them too much and not giving them enough time to recover. Plus there are days that I just want to switch it up a bit and with the kids all in school 2 days a week and my older 2 gone from 8-3 everyday, I have a lot of free time. Yes, I should be cleaning or meal planning but I am love to be active and swimming, running, and biking are my favorite 3 things to do. I like the fact that when i get bored with one discipline I can always turn to one of the other 2.

Right now I have no triathlons on the horizon but I will continue to keep trying me best and trying to do better and we will see where it leads.

I told Dave, I wish that I could get a job where I could exercise all day (ha!) although most people are faster than I am or am stronger- I don't think that anyone can beat me in passion, joy, and excitement :)

So I will keep training and loving it and who cares if I am slow- I surely don't :)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

A Run to Remember

I have been thoroughly enjoying my training runs with my husband and if you had asked me before we started training together if it was going to work out- I would probably not have been too optimistic. Two weeks ago we ran 9, and I wasn't feeling too great. Last week we ran 11, and I felt fabulous, so tonight I was a bit nervous and I didn't quite know what to expect.

Having 3 kids, we have to run later in the evening. Dani (my cousin) is living with us (SCORE!!) and it has been a huge blessing and allows Dave and I to go running together.

We had decided to leave around 7:30 and at 6 the sky opened and the lightning started. Dave isn't too happy to run in the lightning (I'm not either) but I kept saying that it is going to blow over. I kinda had worked out in my head that if it was still raining we could run a short route but that was not to be.

We started out and right at the .5 mile mark I looked over and saw an alligator looking right at us- that is right folks- it was NOT IN THE WATER!!! it was sitting right in the grass, right next to where we were running and I was honestly ready to turn around and head right back home and had I been by myself I just might have done that, but I was running with Dave (fearless!!!) and we kept going.

We got to about the 2 mile mark when we saw the family of deer that we have seen on our runs for the last 3 weeks but instead of running away, they just kept eating and I wish I had brought my phone to take a picture but since there was a rain chance I left it at home (I could NOT live without my iPhone!!!).

Mile 3.5 we started to see a lot of lightning and we decided that we needed to pick up the pace. This is also about the time that I tried to avoid the puddle and I ended up with soaked shoes and socks and 5 more miles to go.

I have said it before but I really believe that I am built for longer distances. It takes me a good 4 miles to start feeling really good and then I am totally in my groove and I can do as many more miles as I need to.

We got to mile 6.5 and my wonderful ipod started to act very peculiar. I had been listening to a podcast by Christine Caine when she spoke at Elevation Church, I feel like I was doing really good up until the ipod went crazy and I knew we only had 2 more miles left. We picked up the pace (again!!) and finished strong at 1:27.

I am feeling really strong and I'm not to concerned about the races that are coming up in the next few months.

School starts for my 2 oldest tomorrow...so off to bed I am going, since I have mommy duties that are a bit rusty and kids that are not going to want to get up in the morning.

We will need all the prayers we can get :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A fun time for all

Just signed up my hubs!! It is going to be his first half marathon- so excited to do it with him :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

so what if I'm slow

I read many blogs (many many many blogs) on running. There are some that are very encouraging and then there are some that are what I would have to classify as somewhat "elitist". I was reading a post on a blog today (i'm not going to say which one) but it was a race recap for a half marathon that she was competing in. She apparently started out great running in the 6:30 and then one of her later miles dipped into the (gasp! and I am quoting here!) 9 minute realm so she had to remedy that because that was awful!

As I sat there reading her race report I started to get a little angry with this person. The way she was writing about her awful time would have been a really good race for me and for many other people who just like to run. Yet she was totally appalled that she "a sponsored runner" would not perform well.

You see, I think that no matter who you are, but especially if you have a large following of people who are looking to you as an example, should try to remember that even though you are fast, that the person running 12 minute miles still gets up and trains just as hard as you do.

That the joy in running is just that- joy.

That runners who judge others by how fast, how slow, what races you've done...aren't really runners that are helping others at all (which this person claims that she wants to do). Many people start running for many different reasons and just because you don't run 6 minute miles does not mean you aren't a good runner!!

I run slow (at least to me I am slow!) and I am not a competitive person. I run because I just love being able to lace up, listen to a good podcast, and just enjoy doing something just for me. I tell people all the time- to be a runner all you have to do is go for a run once and even if you walk half of it, at least you were moving!!

Ok- enough of the rant- all that to say- I am slow- get over it!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I am really enjoying just being where I am at in life right now. My kids are at ages where I don't feel the constant pressure to be "perfect". I am trying to let the reins go a little and see what kind of choices they make and USUALLY they are pretty good ones. When I had Ashley (8 years ago-WOW!!) I was pretty neurotic. I really didn't allow anyone to help me because I felt that she was my job and my responsibility. I still feel that way sometimes but I also realized that just because I have 3 kids doesn't mean that I can not still be me as an individual.

I listen to Podcasts when I run...not always but I would say 95% of the time I do. I really enjoy running with others but at this point in time (summer) I try to get my miles in when I can. Often that means that I run early in the morning or late at night. I also do a lot of impromptu running in the middle of the day when my cousin Dani is home (she is living with us for the time being and I don't know how I will live without her). I love being able to run and chit chat with others at the same time...enter the Podcasts. My sister in law told me I had to listen to the Elevation Church Podcasts. I LOVE them!!! I have listened to the Mr and Mrs Betterhalf, Faith, Honorology, Treatment...and the list goes on and on. Pastor Steven is a gifted preacher and he speaks on so many topics that I feel God wants me to hear about. I told Dave that I really want to go to North Carolina just to hear him speak in person. He has an amazing vision and he said something in the podcast today that really stuck with me. He said that when you are looking at your life you see everything in play-by-play and when you are comparing yourself to others you are only seeing their highlight reel. I am so guilty of reading blogs and getting down on myself for not being "that good of a mom" or "so much slower as a runner" etc. etc. But I am not seeing their daily struggles, I am only seeing what they are choosing to tell and most of the time people (not intentionally) only talk about the good things and not so much the bad things going on in their lives.

I am at a point in my life where I need to be sharpened ( in just about everything) and I feel that listening to God (through others) really is helping.

We are going to have 3 more people staying with us for at least the next week and I am a little nervous about it but there isn't much I can do about it. Along with the 5 of us, 2 dogs, and Dani- who are all living here full time, we will have Dani's sister Alli, her friend Abi, and my father in law here as well. I really don't know where they are all going to sleep but I am sure we will find a place for everyone (i hope!).

Tomorrow Dave and I are going to attempt another long run together. I won't lie- I am nervous about this. We have just started running together (since Dani moved in) and we have done many 2-3 milers and a 7 miler (which was supposed to be 5 miles but wasn't). I love my husband and I love to run but many times I wonder if the 2 should really be mixed together.

I think that is enough of my rambling for now...if I think of more, I'll be back. Oh and my kids are all calling my name (grrreeeeaaatttt!)